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The Trickster articles The swindler figure found in American Indian Mythology is a profound impression of our inward mind. Profound insid...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Irony of Small Trifles Essay - 1190 Words
Irony of Small Trifles In the drama Trifles, Glaspell shows two main view points. That is how the men have the role of being the head of everything and how the women do not get as fairly treated and are only house maids to the men. She characterizes the men as not giving the women the credit they deserve for their hard labors each and everyday. The sheriff, attorney, and neighboring farmer help prove how in the past men were completely superior to women. By showing these two points it makes us feel more sympathetic for the women because of how they are treated. The women always have to go along with what the men tell them, even if they disagree. Since the men are distinguished from the women, the women form their own†¦show more content†¦As he says this all the men laugh. Later on as the men come back from getting the fire wood, the attorney also says â€Å"Well, ladies, have you decided whether she was going to quilt it or knot it?†(1255) So the men must think the women are insignificant because they still think they are really discussing this subject. The only male in this story that does not seem to feel any hierarchy over the women is the neighboring farmer. He keeps to himself most of the time and does not really take part in putting down the women with their own ways. He does state one remark though that shows he still thinks a little more of himself than of the women. When the women said how Mrs. Wright was worried about her preserves. The sheriff states, â€Å"Well, you can beat a women! Held for murder and worryin’ about her preserves.†(1251) And Mr. Hale follows saying â€Å"Well, women are use to worrying about trifles.†(1251) Meaning how women worry to much about unimportant things. This making the women seem even more insignificant and useless in dealing with the case. The other view that Glaspell shows in this play is a sympathy that the reader grows for the women. How they are forced to follow the men. Like when they are asked to get close to the fire, they do it even though Mrs. PetersShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Othello And Trifles 1106 Words  | 5 Pagestwo plays â€Å"Trifles†and â€Å"Othello†the differences can be very noticeable. â€Å"Othello†was written by a man William Shakespeare and â€Å"Trifles†by a women Susan Glaspell. While Glaspell authored her play in the twentieth century, Shakespeare on the other hand penned his play in the seventeenth century. â€Å"Trifles†theme dealt with isolation whereas jealousy was the theme in â€Å"Othello†. When taking a closer look and compare the two the use of verbal irony, situational irony, and dramatic irony are used inRead MoreEssay on Trifling Justice1540 Words  | 7 PagesMove a little closer together Susan Glaspell’s play, Trifles, was written in 1916, reflects the author’s concern with stereotypical concepts of gender and sex roles of that time period. As the title of the play implies, the concerns of women are often considered to be nothing more than unimportant issues that have little or no value to the true work of society, which is being performed by men. The men who are in charge of investigating the crime are unable to solve the mystery through their supposedRead MoreSusan Glaspell s A Jury Of Her Peers1174 Words  | 5 Pagesprevents any conviction. In her short story, A Jury of Her Peers, Susan Glaspell conveys a feminist theme of women being oppressed under male domination and gender roles. She expresses this through the use of irony, symbolism, and characterization. First, Glaspell makes effective use of irony to display the oppression of women and gender roles. During this time period, women had little to no power and they were considered unintelligent-- only being able to cook, clean, sew, et cetera. While investigatingRead MoreTrifles And The Women Who Worry Over Them1037 Words  | 5 PagesTrifles and the Women Who Worry Over Them At the start of Susan Glaspell’s dark drama â€Å"Trifles†we are introduced to the characters as they all arrive at an abandoned farmhouse previously owned by the recently murdered Mr. John Wright and his killer, and wife, Mrs. Wright. The men’s dominance over the situation and the women is clear from the initial understanding of their individual roles. The men all seem to have important tasks to perform. The sheriff and the county attorney are investigatingRead MoreSusan Glaspell s Trifles 1507 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Trifles†is a one act play written by Susan Glaspell in 1916, which was first performed on August 8th by the Provincetown Players in Provincetown, Massachusetts at the Wharf Theater. The author, Susan Glaspell, was born on July 1, 1876 in Davenport, Iowa. Over her lifetime she had become proficient in many different professions: Playwright, Actress, Novelist, and Journalist. For her works, she won an American Pulitzer Prize in 1931. T he Provincetown Players was founded by Susan Glaspell and herRead MoreA Jury Of Her Peers854 Words  | 4 Pagesdetails of a murder scene. While the men search for blatantly obvious clues around the scene, the women notice small details that piece together the story of why Minnie strangled her husband John in his sleep. The story revolves around the gender roles that the women were forced into. These roles helped them to understand what Minnie was going through and what happened to her husband. The irony in the differences between the women’s roles and their husbands is what solved the case. The story is writtenRead More Trifles by Susan Keating Glaspell Essay1244 Words  | 5 PagesTrifles by Susan Keating Glaspell Mention the word feminist and most people think of the modern womens movement. Long before the bra burning of the 60’s, however, writers were writing about the lives and concerns of women living in a male dominated society. Susan Glaspells play, Trifles, was written in 1916, long before the modern womens movement began. Her story reveals, through Glaspells use of formal literary proprieties, the role that women are expected to play in society, and the harmRead MoreOppression in the Early 20th Century1578 Words  | 7 Pagesthat it was a struggle living at that time because they had a specific role to live up to, and that role was being housewives to the men. The early 20th Century was a male dominated society. Glaspell uses character names, Irony in the title, and symbolism in the play, â€Å"Trifles†to reveal the roles in which women play, and the harm it brings to women and also men in the early 20th Century. In the play, there are two characters that are never seen, Mr. and Mrs. Wright. Mr. Wright plays off the socialRead MoreTheme Of Trifles1592 Words  | 7 PagesThe play â€Å"Trifles†starts when Mr. Hale goes to the Wrights farmhouse but finds him dead. Mr. Wright is said to have been chocked to death by his wife, Minnie Wright, who is the main suspect. As Mr. Peters, Mr. Hale and the sheriff are busy looking for evidence for the murder all around the house, the real investigators are their wives. The county attorney and the sheriff joke about their wives worrying about nothing but housekeeping, â€Å"trifles†as they call it. However, it is this â€Å"women stuff†likeRead MoreAnalysing Good Literature1850 Words  | 7 Pagesslightly pseudoscientific macabre story. This small piece of writing also helps to determine the theme in the mind of the reader as does the title The Birthmark. The reader assumes that with this and the introduction of the setting, t he slightly skewed view of the world the antagonist has and the imperfection he sees in his wife how this story will turn out. It also helps if one has read some of Hawthornes works before also. Character and irony are both encased in a quote from OBriens How
Monday, May 18, 2020
South Carolina Vital Records Births, Marriages Deaths
Learn how and where to obtain birth, marriage, and death certificates and records in South Carolina, including the dates for which South Carolina vital records are available, where they are located, and links to online South Carolina state vital records databases. South Carolina Vital Records:Office of Vital RecordsSC DHEC2600 Bull StreetColumbia, SC 29201Phone: (803) 898-3630What You Need to Know: Money order or a cashiers check should be made payable to SCDHEC. Please call or visit the website for current fees. Additional record copies ordered at the same time are $3.00 each. A photocopy of valid photo identification must accompany all South Carolina vital record requests. Phone and online orders are available through the VitalChek network.Web site: South Carolina Office of Vital Records South Carolina Birth Records Dates: From 1 January 1915* Cost of copy: $12.00; expedited mail service $17.00 (plus $9.50 service fee) Comments: Access to birth records in South Carolina is limited to the person named on the certificate, the parent(s) named on the birth certificate, or an adult child, guardian, or legal representative. Be sure to request a long copy for genealogical purposes. * City of Charleston births from 1877 are on file at Charleston County Health Department. Copies can be obtained by mail from the Charleston County Library. Ledger entries of Florence City births are on file at Florence County Health Department. Ledger entries of Newberry City births from the late 1800s are on file at the Newberry County Health Department. Online: South Carolina Delayed Births, 1766–1900 and City of Charleston Births, 1877–1901 (requires paid subscription to Ancestry.com)South Carolina Births and Christenings, 1681–1935 (free from FamilySearch) South Carolina Death Records Dates: From 1 Jan 1915* Cost of copy: $12.00; expedited mail service $17.00 (plus $9.50 service fee) Comments: Access to death records in South Carolina restricted for 50 years, and limited to immediate family members and the decedents legal representative. Be sure to request a long copy for genealogical purposes. Death certificates become public records in South Carolina after fifty years and then any person may obtain the death long form certificate. * City of Charleston deaths from 1821 are on file at Charleston County Health Department. Ledger entries of Florence City deaths from 1895 to 1914 are on file at Florence County Health Department. Ledger entries of Newberry City deaths from the late 1800s are on file at the Newberry County Health Department. Online: South Carolina Deaths, 1915-1943 – Name index and images to South Carolina death certificates; free from FamilySearch.South Carolina Deaths, 1944-1955 – Name index to South Carolina death certificates; free from FamilySearch. South Carolina Death Indexes, 1915–1962These are indexes only but include a few years of more recent deaths than the FamilySearch databases. Free from the S.C. vital records department.South Carolina Death Certificates, 1915–1963Select the camera icon to view and of the digitized microfilm rolls of S.C. death certificates available through 1963. Free from FamilySearch. South Carolina Marriage Records Dates: From 1 July 1911* Cost of Copy: $12.00; expedited mail service $17.00 Comments: Marriage records from 1950 to the present can be obtained through the State Division of Vital Records. Licenses issued before 1950 can be obtained from the Probate Judge at the County Courthouse in the county where the marriage took place. Access to marriage records in South Carolina is restricted to the married parties (bride or groom), their adult child(ren), a present or former spouse of either married party or their respective legal representative. * Some larger cities and counties have marriage records that pre-date 1911. Charleston marriage records 1877 to 1887 are available on Family History Library microfilm, and Georgetown returns of marriages 1884 to 1899 are available from the South Carolina Department of Archives and History. Online: Charleston County Probate Court – Marriage License Search – Search by grooms name, brides maiden name, or license number to find marriages from 1879 to the present. South Carolina Divorce Records Dates: From July 1962* Cost of Copy: $12.00; expedited mail service $17.00 Comments: Divorce records from 1962 to the present can be obtained through the State Division of Vital Records. Records since April 1949 should be available from the County Clerk of the county where the petition was filed. Access to divorce records in S.C. is restricted to the divorced parties (husband or wife), their adult child(ren), a present or former spouse of either divorced party or their respective legal representative. * A few earlier divorce records dating back to 1868 can be found in county court records.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Economics Of America s Minimum Wage - 956 Words
Six years after the end of the 2008 recession, the pay for American workers remains at the same rate as when the recession began. Low wage jobs have dominated the job growth associated with the post-recession recovery. The federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour remains decades out of date. â€Å"The federal minimum wage has lost more than 30% of its value and would be more than $10.59 per hour today if it had kept pace with the cost of living over the past forty years†. (â€Å"Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2013, 2013). In November 2013, New Jersey became the 20th state to establish a minimum wage higher than the federal wage raising the hourly rate to $8.25 from its previous amount of $7.25. According to a poll taken by the Pew Research Center, Americans are in favor of increasing the minimum wage by a wide margin (71% to 26%). (The Complex Economics of America’s Minimum Wage, 2013). The statics prove that there was a large margin in regards to the results, but was there any logical thought process put into that vote? Or did Americans just hear ‘pay increase’ and jump the gun? We all want to help others. It’s part of our human nature. So why not raise the minimum wage and help these people living on the poverty line to provide a little extra for their family? It sounds like the right thing to do. But is it really helping? The ethical, legal and political standpoints on the minimum wage increase are complicated at best. Throughout this paper you will be informed on both sides of theShow MoreRelatedIncrease Of Minimum Wage Increases Economic Woes1129 Words  | 5 PagesIncrease of Minimum Wage Decreases Economic Woes An issue that has been debating throughout centuries is whether or not America should increase the minimum wage. This is an issue that has been arising to be relevant to pboeople all over the nation. Researches have provided logical facts and statistics on how increasing the minimum wage would be the solution to America’s debt. Increasing the minimum wage has also been successful in several countries including Germany. Studies have shown that decreasingRead MoreAmerica Should Increase The Minimum Wage1117 Words  | 5 Pageswhether or not America should increase the minimum wage. This is an issue that has been arising to be relevant to people all over the nation. Researches have provided logical facts and statistics on how increasing the minimum wage would be the solution to America’s debt. Increasing the minimum wage has also been successful in several countries including Germany. Studies have shown that decreasing the minimum wage is unlikely to solve any economic woes. While when we increase the minimum wage it benefitsRead MorePersuasive Essay Outline :Minimum Wage964 Words  | 4 Pages Persuasive Essay Outline :Minimum Wage 1 Intro - I want you to think about your very first job .Were you a Bellhop ,cashier ,bartender ,cooks(fast food ),lifeguard, .Now how about your second job were you a airport worker or child care worker.About how much were youRead MoreFederal Minimum Wage Should Be Increased1180 Words  | 5 Pagesto come to conclusions that the federal minimum wage is excessively low. The government can stand to help people gain more money, resulting in a less poverty-stricken country. The cost of living or gaining has increased significantly over the past twenty years, and the minimum wage, for most isn t enough for them to support themselves. There have been efforts to increase the federal minimum wage, but none has succeeded in getting approved. Minimum wages are too low for a human, to provide forRead MoreThe Case For A Higher Minimum Wage1659 Words  | 7 PagesHigher Minimum Wage In 1938, the Federal Government established a minimum wage through the Fair Labor Standards Act, during the Great Depression. Its stated purpose was to keep American workers out of poverty and increase consumer purchasing power to help stimulate the economy. President Franklin Roosevelt, understood that the minimum wage should be a living wage, he stated â€Å"by living wages, I mean more than a bare subsistence level  I mean the wages of a decent living.†Today, the Minimum wage is criticalRead MoreEssay on Minimum Wage is The Bare Minimum1018 Words  | 5 PagesMinimum Wage: The Bare Minimum They work hard every day; they stock our store shelves, wash dishes at our restaurants, clean our offices at night, care for our kids during the day...They have in common the minimum wage. And they need a raise, and as you saw, they deserve a raise (Clinton). President Clinton made this speech on the south lawn of the White House at 10:30 a.m. on the 8th of March 2000. He argued for the minimum wage hike to go into effect. He argued for the populationRead MoreThe Issue Of Income Inequality And Minimum Wage1179 Words  | 5 Pageswhile the economic situation in the United States is much better than that of China or India, money, or the lack thereof, is one of the biggest issues plaguing the Unites States of America. One of the key issues that have risen in recent times on the media is the widening wage gap between the rich and the poor, and the debate on whether or not an increase in minimum wage could solve the problem. While the whole nation would like to solve the issue of i ncome inequality and minimum wage, the focusRead MoreMinimum Wage Regulations Strike At The Very Heart Of The Free Enterprise System1526 Words  | 7 Pagesprice control, minimum wage legislations strike at the very heart of the free enterprise system. The father of economics, Adam Smith explained in his masterpiece, â€Å"The Wealth of Nations†, that â€Å"the price system is the communication mechanism that coordinates, motivates, and harmonizes the actions of consumers and entrepreneurs†. His renown metaphor and philosophy of the â€Å"Invisible Hand†captured the idea that free-market pricing system molds individual self interest into extensive economic bettermentRead MoreThe Minimum Wage Act Of 20071607 Words  | 7 Pages Introduction In 1938, the first national minimum wage laws in the United States were passed as part of the Fair Labor Standards Act, which served as â€Å"a floor below wages,†to reduce poverty and to ensure that economic growth is shared across the workforce. Today, many people who work for companies that pay at or near the minimum wage and remain near or below the poverty level rely on government health and food security and income programs to supplementRead MoreDispute over Minimun Wage1281 Words  | 6 Pagesgovernment of our age has broken their social contract. Minimum wage is a disputatious issue because it is contested in an array and discriminatory audience. Minimum wage I believe is the epicenter of the economist’s sphere of interest as he in constantly in hot pursuit in finding its relationship with job loss. President Bill Clinton’s administration proposed in 1993 that it had intentions to have an increase in the minimum wage in America. The liberals applauded the step in good faith whilst their
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Love Is A Complicated Emotion - 849 Words
Danica Alvarez Mr. Perez ENG 99 16 September 2015 Love is a complicated emotion that most of us find it hard to understand. Love is more than just the physical aspect of a person. Unfortunately, people confuse love with lust and the attention given to them by someone. Love is more than just the I love you’s and holding hands. It is more than just posting pictures of your beloved on Instagram just to show the world that you and your partner are one of those â€Å"Relationship Goals.†True love is paying more attention to what really is important - the mind, soul, and the whole well being of a person. Being able to perceive the bigger picture. It is the capability to fully discern and understand another person in a much deeper sense. Positivity resonance is where love blossoms. It helps develop feelings that later on becomes love. The three interwoven events that create positivity resonance are: â€Å"first, a sharing of one or more emotions between you and another; second, a synchrony between you and the other person ’s biochemistry and behaviors; and third, a reflected motive to invest in each other’s well-being that brings mutual care.†(Frederickson 17) Positivity resonance happens when two people start sharing their likes, dislikes, thoughts etc. to one another. It is when people just click - when two individuals get along and be compatible with each other’s existence. It is when one is willing to invest time with another person. It is that positive energy that radiatesShow MoreRelatedThe Lone Ranger And Tonto Fistfight In Heaven Analysis929 Words  | 4 PagesEmotions through the eyes of a Native American Emotions†¦. what the heck on Mothers brown Earth are those you might ask? Is it a state of mind? Is it what defines the entire definition of humanity itself? Is it a lie to hide to the bigger truth that we are all being controlled by the Flying Spaghetti Monster ?,†¦. probably not. In the book â€Å"the Lone Ranger and Tonto fistfight in heaven†the handling of common emotions is challenging at best. Because it portrays a different aspect of emotions youRead MoreDifferent Aspects Of True Love1288 Words  | 6 Pages Different aspects of true Love Thus is the nature of love: that you must use it! A love unused is not love! If it is something that sits on the shelf that you don t know what to do with, it is not true to the nature of love! Use love!†by C. JoyBell C. According to this quote love is something that you have to use it when you have in your life but the understanding of true love is different for everyone. It depends on the situation what someone is suffering. â€Å"Desperate characters†and â€Å"WhatRead MoreDeep Love, Passionate Desire, and Intriguing Mystery Are Conveyed Through the Use of Literary Devices Such as Symbolism and Metaphor in Kim Addonizio’s â€Å"First Poem for You†and William Meredith’s â€Å"the Illiterate†1369 Words  | 6 PagesGracie Smith Literary Heritage 2201 27 October 2011 As Long as it’s a Love Letter Deep love, passionate desire, and intriguing mystery are conveyed through the use of literary devices such as symbolism and metaphor in Kim Addonizio’s â€Å"First Poem for You†and William Meredith’s â€Å"The Illiterate†and aide in supporting the themes that intimate relationships can be both intriguing and frightening at the same time. Love is conveyed in â€Å"The Illiterate†through the simple idea of a letter. The letterRead MoreEssay on Changing Conceptions About What Emotion is939 Words  | 4 PagesEmotions are one of the most beautiful and complicated features of human species. Although, emotional changes of some other species are also known to us or even proven by scientific research, human emotion is so unique and irreplaceable that from time immemorial, former sages and ancient scholars have initiated continuous discussion about it. A. A brief history of emotion before 19th century. Early stage of research about emotion can be represented roughly by Aristotelian western philosophy andRead MoreComparing Emotions : Love And Hate881 Words  | 4 PagesComparing Emotions: Love and Hate Emotions come with every thought and action that is had throughout the day. Whether it is an emotion towards an academic class, the nerves of meeting someone new, or even what is felt about the day as a whole; there is always an emotion that is being felt. The two most extreme emotions are hate and love. Most sub-emotions come from these two powerful feelings. Anger, happiness, sorrow, and anxiety can all be results of both love and hate. To most, these emotions seemRead MoreStylistic Analysis: To--- by Peter Shelley1649 Words  | 7 Pagesunrequited loveâ€â€a term that is used when one person has strong feelings towards another that is not reciprocated. Or in other words, someone is in love with someone else who is not interested. It is also about realistic and complicated love, which means that the persona of the poem wants to express his emotions towards the addressee but he feared to show because in reality, he knew that it is impossible for them to be together, thus, thi s depicts the persona’s complicated feelings or emotions and theRead MoreE.E. Cummings888 Words  | 4 Pagesbeginnings of the literature love has been one of the most important themes for the writers and accordingly for the readers. Not only did the poets impose themselves the immensely difficult task to describe the notion of love, but they also left the readers with the enjoyable but not easy thing that is the deciphering the meaning of their descriptions. It is how the American poet, prosaic and dramatist, Edward Estlin Cummings, behaved by giving people the interesting image of love in the poem starting withRead Moreâ€Å"Old Before Her Time†, Katherine Barrett Essay638 Words  | 3 Pageswhy they have complicated feeling like this . In â€Å"Old before her time†, Katherine Barrett discusses how the senior citizens are treated in American culture. One of seven lessons she gave us , Lesson six â€Å" you never grow old emotionally†, is the m ost significant lesson because of their psychological emotion , sympathetic and respectability. First of all, psychological emotion plays an important role in senior citizen’s mind . Some body are wondering what does â€Å"Psychological emotion†mean? PsychologicalRead MoreCharles Dickens Great Expectations1208 Words  | 5 Pagesis a complicated mess of circumstances that nobody will ever fully understand, the closest tangible object we may have in order to even begin to understand our environment would be through our own literature, expression, and art. Through these things, dried ink can clear the path to enlightenment, and this is increasingly evident in Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations. Through very complicated, conflicted characters, he demonstrates an artful story about guilt, fear, expectations, and love. All ofRead MoreEpicurus Theory On The Meaning Of Pleasure And Pain1296 Words  | 6 Pages This is not only because friendships are more complicated than Torquatus articulates, but also because the theory does not say that you have to ha ve friendship in life to be pleasureful. In terms of the former case, friendship is complicated in that it involves as many good emotions as it does negative emotions. While it is true that friendships have a great potential of pleasure, they have a similarly great potential for pain. One negative emotion that is understated by Torquatus is jealousy. Torquatus
Great Gatsby Social Analisys Free Essays
East Egg and West Egg are both enormously wealthy suburbs of New York City, located on Long Island where they face the ocean. East Egg is the home of those people who enjoy the highest social prestige, as well as their money. Their fortunes have been inherited and their roots run deep in American society. We will write a custom essay sample on Great Gatsby Social Analisys or any similar topic only for you Order Now Theirs is â€Å"old money. †The East Eggers place great value on tradition, family background, social convention, and manners, and they look with contempt upon others who were not born to their kind of wealth. The Buchanans live in East Egg. Tom and Daisy are example of the old money and social snobbery of East Egg. Those who live in West Egg, like Gatsby, are also very wealthy, but they are the social newcomers who have made their money through commerce (legal or otherwise). They lack the sense of entitlement found among the East Eggers, and they are not â€Å"refined†or â€Å"polished†in their manners. Gatsby represents this social class. He owns a mansion and dresses well, but he lacks the background of an old and well established family. He is uneducated. He has a great deal of money, but he displays it very conspicuously–a sign of terrible taste to someone like Tom Buchanan. By developing the social differences between East Egg and West Egg, Fitzgerald develops one the novel’s themes. No matter how wealthy Gatsby might become, he would never belong to the Buchanan’s’ upper social class because he was not born into it. He would always be an outsider. How to cite Great Gatsby Social Analisys, Papers
Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks free essay sample
Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks are two of the most ubiquitous logos in the landscape of the United States . Dunkin Donuts has approximately 5 ,300 locations in 34 states across the USA while Starbucks boasts of 7 ,521 stores across the entire United States . Of course , the number of International outlets of these two companies also number in the thousands and can be found in dozens of countries across the globe . This makes Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks one of the most prominent symbols of Americana with their logos being recognized in a large part of the modern world from the Philippines to the Hague . This is especially true of Starbucks whose rapid expansion into new markets have often been the center of controversy . A Starbucks outlet inside the Forbidden City in China was closed in July 2007 after continual protests since its opening in 2000 . Protesters decried the perceived â€Å"trampling ‘ of Chinese culture by the presence of the expansive American brand . We will write a custom essay sample on Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Even in the United States , the expansion of Starbucks has been the center of attention , its viral expansion being parodied in movies and television . Dunkin Donuts has been lucky enough to evade flak from its expansion operations , however more than 90 of Dunkin Donuts ‘ sales come from the US compared to 79 for Starbucks . It is undeniable that of the two , Starbucks is the more aggressive in terms of expansion not only in the US but also internationally , having opened an average of 6 stores per day in 2006 . Both stores ‘ expansion are aided by comprehensive franchising operations . While it appears that the primary product of both companies are coffee and pastries second , their approach to selling coffee is what sets the two companies apart . Dunkin Donuts has marketed itself as selling coffee for people on the go . Its slogan â€Å"America runs on Dunkin ‘ reflects this . Dunkin Donuts coffee is what people drink on the way to work ,while on the car , on the subway , Dunkin Donuts coffee is what you drink when you are on the go . Its stores with limited seating as well as its less expensive pastry and beverage offerings are made to attract a fast ,on the move crowd . Dunkin Donuts is hot pink and orange , energetic ,dynamic , fast . Dunkin Donuts positions itself as a kind of gasoline station for humans , replenishing the energy of humans by supplying caffeine for them to keep on the go . On the other hand , Starbucks offers an opposite type of experience . If Dunkin Donuts is hot pink , Starbucks is green , brown and other earth tones . Its stores have plenty of seating as well as a charming ambiance . Outdoor umbrella covered chairs and tables evoke images of European elegance . Soothing music and decor invite the customer to spend time at the store . In a complete turnaround of Dunkin Donuts ‘ hit and run strategy , Starbucks allows the customer to customize his or her coffee beverage to the smallest detail . Starbucks coffee is not what you drink to keep†¦
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Health Care Environment Samples for Students †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Health Care Environment and Leadership Skill. Answer: Introduction: Health care environment has become very complex and demanding and in such situation, it has become necessary to develop future nurse leaders. However, the current challenge innursing is that despite recognition of the need for future leaders, very few graduate nurses focus on developing leadership skills. In the future, the growing demand and needs for service will create new challenges in the health delivery system. The generational cohort of nurse leaders will retire and young graduate are expected to fill those position by 2020 (Dyess, Sherman Chiang-Hanisko, 2016). Hence, newly placed graduate nurse have the opportunity to extend their role and engage in effective communication and teamwork with other health care professionals to successfully emerge as a leader in the long run. In the daily practice of a graduate nurse, leadership skills is demonstrated by activities like coordinating with team of nurses and support on duty, managing challenging situations, supporting staff on d uty and striving to promote the successful operation of the shift (Blair, 2015). This report gives an understanding of the methods by which graduate nurse can show leadership skills in complex situation by the analysis of the case scenario of Ms. A, a newly graduate nurse has to take control over ICU unit issues. 5R explaining the scenario: Reporting: While working as an EEN in the hospital, I got to see the unique leadership challenges faced by Ms. A, a newly placed graduate nurse who was in charge of the intensive care. While being assigned to the duty of managing successful operation in the intensive care unit, many challenges confronted her. The first challenge was that in the morning shift, adequate number of nurse was not present and performing assignment in the absence of two nurses created high workload for other nurses. The main issue for the nurses in the shift was that majority of the patients were on ventilators and in such situation, nurses required extra help while conducting the task of vocative infusion to support blood pressure of patient. Another issue for the nurse in charge of the ICU ward was that there were lot of nurse managers on the unit but no one bothered to help the nurse and they were busy with their own paper works. The nurse manager has a critical role in health care setting. They need to juggle and manage patient care issues, staffs concerns, supply inadequacies and other institutional issues (Kath et al., 2013). However, no such initiative was taken bynursing managers in the intensive care ward in the case scenario. Responding: In such situation, I believe that acting in a calm way is not possible for any newly placed graduate nurse. They are most likely to become nervous and develop anxiety, however Ms. A was calm and confident in her decision making. As an EEN, I feel that nurse managers must support the nurses in shift if they face any issues in the delivery of care issues (Roche et al., 2015). However based on my experience so far in my duty, I have found that instead of supporting thenursing staff by means of negotiation with other health care staffs, they often blame the nurse for not prioritizing the task carefully. However, I feel that if there is shortage of nurse in particular shift, it is not the fault of the nurse and the nurse managers should come forward to support nurses in such situation. In the context of the reaction of Ms. A, in this situation, I was amazed to find that instead of attacking nurse managers, she handled the situation maturely and decided to apply her graduate level course i n team work and communications in this situation. She was highly successful in displaying leadership skills too. Relating I find Ms. As decision to be very effective because unnecessary questioning and interrogation with the nurse managers would have made the situation more worse and affected the nursing assignment and patient safety process. However, engaging in a polite conversation with nurse managers was the most appropriate step considering the unit situation and the immediate requirement to complete nurse assignments in the ICU ward safely. Ms. As action is commendable because she understood the gravity of the situation and the need to manage and resolve conflict despite being newly placed to nursing practice. She displayed leadership skills to identify and effectively respond to the challenge. She actualized her role in the practice environment and used her training in team work and communication to good use in actual practice (Dyess Sherman, 2011). I feel that greater coordination of care across health care staff and across health care setting improves patient outcome, quality of care and reduc es extra spending due to adverse events. Nurses are best positioned to lead in a transformative health care environment (Salmond Echevarria, 2017). Ms A. responded well in her duty as ICU nurse in charge and displayed exceptional leadership and team work skills. Reasoning: The main issue experience by Ms. A in the scenario was the lack of coordination and team work between the nurse managers and the nursing staff in the ICU ward. Although nursing managers have the responsibility to manage staffs concerns too, but they paid more importance to their own paper work. Such non collaborative action among team members impedes safety, restricts full participation of team and undermines team work (Salmond Echevarria, 2017). Ms. A realized these issues in ICU ward unit and went against reprimanding the nurse manager because this would have again perpetuated the dysfunctional culture. Nurse Managers would have expressed resentment and negative behavior would have blocked the progress towards the completing the task successfully. However, Ms. As decision to engage in polite conversation and explaining the nurse manager that their expertise is needed at that time had a positive impact on the nurse manager. The use of communication skills helped Ms. A to increase c reative thinking in the team, make staffs aware about sensible action in the situation and resolve conflicts (Amestoy et al., 2014). Hence, communication and leadership skills can support graduate nurse to mitigate interpersonal conflict and direct all staffs to work for the same goal. Reconstructing Based on the final outcome of using polite conversation and communication skills to changes the nurse managers action of supporting nurse in complex care environment like ICU, I can say that taking training in team work was an important step by Ms. A. This is reflective of the nurse desire to develop as a leader in the future. I also aim to expand my professional competency in leadership skills so that I can contribute to management of conflicts and handling leadership role in the future. To create a healthier work environment, my goal is to develop strong connection with front line staff and closely observe my nursing managers to see how they manage complex health operations and address challenges faced by staffs and ultimately achieve quality care (Grossman Valiga, 2016).. Evidence also proves that nurse who work with nurse manager preceptors develop positive appreciation for leadership activities in daily routine (Dyess et al., 2016). Strategies: For the critical reflection on professional practice, the topic of developing leadership qualities in graduate nurse was specifically taken because there is lack of experience nursing leaders, however graduate nurse need to acquire the leadership role in the future after the retirement of senior nurse. Young graduate nurse pay less attention to succession strategies and developing leadership skills today (Sherman et al., 2015). Hence, when they are assigned a task like that of managing complex care environment like ICU (in the Ms. A case scenario), they fail miserably and contribute to negative outcome in health care environment. There is great expectation from generation Y nurse to take up the leadership role in the future (Sherman et al., 2015). Hence, all graduate nurse must identify and develop strategies to develop leadership role and maintain the team dynamic in health care environment. One of the strategies that graduate nurse can employ to demonstrate leadership skills is to take mandatory training in management responsibilities and skills for specialized department of health care. This can make them aware about professional obligation to adhere to organizational policies, develop confidence in risk management and coordinating with multi-professional health care team (Sherman et al., 2013). Leadership competencies can lead to the development of helpful behavior in nurses such as motivating followers to actively engage in quality control and patient safety process, clearly communicating expected standards of care and ensuring effective resource utilization (Pollard Wild, 2014). Apart from personal efforts by graduate nurse, role of organization is also important to retain nurse and enhance their motivation for accepting the leadership role. This is because lack of opportunities for upward mobility, experiences of stereotyping and inflexible organizational culture are the reasons for nurse not preferring leadership roles (Keys, 2014). Hence, to support graduate nurse in their leadership role, organization must take the responsibility to prepare the nurses for the clinical leadership role. Another useful succession planning strategy for the Gen Y nurse may include tailoring mentoring efforts according to the specific generation (Keys, 2014). Another strategy that graduate nurse can employ in their preparation for the leadership role is to focus on communication skills targeted towards team work. This is extremely important for lateral integration of care and conflict management. One of the important steps to bridge the gap between individual and other colleagues or support staffs is to maintain clear communication with all stakeholders and building strong relationship with them. This can increase coordination of care across setting and help reduce fragmentation and lapses in health care delivery (Bender, Connelly, Brown, 2013). Ms. A was also found to use communication skills effectively to motivate the nurse manager to change their attitude and accept the need to support the staffs. Hence, professionally competent communication skills can help graduate nurse to easily transition to the leadership role and manage group processes regarding patient care. One of the important roles of nursing leader is to engage in difficult conversation with stakeholders and facilitate effective team work in health care process. However, team dynamic is affected when senior and managerial level staff does no coordinate with junior staffs to promote efficiency in the care process. Ms. A also experienced similar issues while taking in charge of the ICU unit. The best strategy to demonstrate leadership skills in such situation is to collaborate with team members to make them aware about their role and striving to build cohesive relationship with staff instead of interrogating and responding. Taking time out to identify their needs and concerns also reduces conflicts and motivates the team to work towards the common goal of quality care and patient safety. Supervised learning can also foster emotional intelligence and support nurse leaders to use motivational strategies to changes the attitude of demotivated staffs (Waite Brooks, 2014). Conclusion: From the critical reflection of the challenges faced by Ms. A while in charge of the ICU unit and the method of handling teamwork issues, it can be concluded that developing leadership is critical for nurse in their succession planning. As the mature nurses are going to retire, the Gen Y nurses have to fill in the position of nursing leaders. However, very few nurses are found to accept or prepared for this role. There is a need for organization to support the nurse in developing leadership competencies and increasing their motivation to develop leadership competencies. Special training on leadership and communication skills during the starting of placement can help the nurse to become a confident leader and effectively handle complex and transforming health care environment. References Amestoy, S.C., Backes, V.M.S., Thofehrn, M.B., Martini, J.G., Meirelles, B.H.S. and Trindade, L.D.L., 2014. Conflict management: challenges experienced by nurse-leaders in the hospital environment.Revista Gacha de Enfermagem,35(2), pp.79-85. Bender, M., Connelly, C. D., Brown, C. (2013). Interdisciplinary collaboration: The role of the clinical nurse leader.Journal of Nursing Management,21(1), 165-174. Blair, K. A. (2015).Advanced practice nursing: Core concepts for professional role development. Springer Publishing Company. Dyess, M. 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