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Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Architectural Theory of Semiotics
The Architectural Theory of Semiotics This essay will examine the architectural theory of semiotics and its relationship to the built work of Peter Eisenman, specifically his project titled House VI. This essay will define the theory of semiotics from Saussure through to Chomsky. It will then go on to describe how Peter Eisenman, influenced by the writings of Noam Chomsky would apply semiotic linguistic principles to his design process namely those of deep structure and also syntactic transformational; expression. In doing so Peter Eisenman would set architecture on the path towards breaking free from drawing as the main vehicle for design. Semiotics in architecture is the search for a deeper discourse with the built environment, a way of understanding the rich array of metaphor, ambiguity, rhetorical nuance and metonymy that can occur in architectural meaning. A meaning that does not change and evolve over time dependant on specific context, convention or simple accidents.[1] It is the attempt at better understanding of just how a building communicates. The general study of signs was known as semiology in Europe and semiotics in the United States, it is these theories that have been applied to graphic and visual communication. Both the theories of semiology and semiotics appeared around the same time in the early 1900s. This new scientific approach to language and signs was proposed in Europe by the Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure (1857–1913) and parallel to this in the United States by Charles Sander Peirce (1839-1914). Both were looking at the fundamental building blocks and structure of language, and the necessary conditions for language to exist.[2] Ferdinand de Saussure theorised the synchronic approach, that language should not only be looked at in its historical context but also in how it relates to a specific moment independent of its developmental context.[3] Differentiating between language as a system of enabling communication and the way language is used by individuals through speech. Saussure sought to discover and better understand the underlying principles of language, the structure and signs that all languages share.[4] Both Saussure and Peirce sought to understand the structure of signs, looking at the structure would facilitate a better understanding of how meaning was extracted from a sign. Peirce looked at the relationships of the structures as a way of categorising the signs.[5]The categories that Peirce divided signs into were Icon, Index and Symbol. An Icon bears a physical resemblance to the thing it represents, an Index represents a direct link between sign and object, and a Symbol relies purely upon the reader of the sign having learnt the connection to the meaning. Saussure determined the meaning of a sign by using what he called value. What was important for Saussure was the relationship between signs in the same system. He took a positive versus negative approach judging a sign by not only what it means but what it doesnt mean in relation to something else. For example a book is not a magazine or film.[6] Semiotics looks at the oppositional relationship of things as key to communication and cognition, undestanding something by understanding what it is not.[7]This signification helps to categorise reality so we can understand it. However Saussure was only concerned with language at not the part of the reader of language in the process, which contrasts with Peirce who believed that the sign is affected by the person who is reading the sign. It would be Roland Barthes in the 1960s who would take this theoretical idea forward. Barthes saw the science of signs as encompassing a much broader range of systems than just language. Barthes linked semiotics to any system of signs no matter the content or limits of that system. Semiotic meaning can be derived from images, sounds, gestures and objects. The system of signification could cover many forms of social and ritual convention.[8] The semiotic theories would also start to link with architecture. Architecture being similar to language in that it too is system of signs. A very obvious example of this would be to compare a house to a hospital, both buildings give off different signs as to their function and purpose. Our ability to read this purpose occurs much in the same way as a book is read and understood.[9] To distinguish architecture from building requires an intentional sign which suggests that a wall is doing something more than literally sheltering, supporting, enclosing; it must embody a significance which projects and sustains the idea of wallness beyond mere use, function, or extrinsic allusion. Thus its paradoxical nature: the sign must overcome use and extrinsic significance to be admitted as architecture; but on the other hand, without use, function, and the existence of extrinsic meaning there would be no conditions which would require such an intentional act of overcoming.[10] The crossover of linguistic semiotic theory with architecture would occur more thoroughly around 1966 when Peter Eisenman began looking at the work of Noam Chomsky.[11] Eisenman at the time viewed both language and architecture and being made up of three semiotic categories, these being semantics, pragmatics and syntactics. These three categories contain similarities to Peirce and his division of signs into icon, index and symbol. Semantics refers to the relationship between form and icon, pragmatics form to function and syntactics the relationship of physical form to conceptual space.[12]Eisenman was also interested in another idea closely related to the early theories of semiotics, that of structuralism. Using structuralist principles to go beyond function in architecture to discover the innate order of things, subverting simplistic readings of space by adding complexity through architectural semiotics.[13] It was through the reading of Noam Chomsky that the idea of deep structure became apparent to Eisenman as a useful means of investigating architecture. This syntactical opposition of line, plane and volume generated a physical architecture from a series of abstract rules. The essence of Eisenmans theoretical musings at this time would be distilled into his Houses project. The most thorough exploration of this would occur in House VI. House VI was commissioned by Suzanne and Dick Frank. A small building, it would be one of Peter Eisenmans first built works. Construction would take place between 1972 and 1975.[14] The building acts as a record of the abstract series of rules used in the process of design, with the Chomsky influenced theories of syntax and deep structure crucial to the transformative process. The building would become the manifestation of a system of relationships, with the system acting as generator of both form and meaning. The semantic generator of form is replaced by the syntactic. [15]The axonometric drawings dont just represent the house they become the house. As Eisenman states The diagrams for House VI are symbiotic with its reality; the house is not an object in the traditional sense that is the result of a process-but more accurately a record of a process.[16] The priority of the drawings in considering the house remove the pressure placed upon a finished building to deliver complete meaning. The building forms only a part of the conversation, as technical drawings are used to enhance the experience. Drawings and finished building-the entire process- should be viewed holistically, each providing an important summation of the architectural intent.[17] The axonometric drawings reveal the starting point for the design of House VI and the syntactic structure that these would form. The starting point is a cube divided by a four square and nine square grid. Eisenman then starts a series of simple movements of this grid in the process creating two centres. The hierarchy of these overlayed patterns develops the expressive interrelationship.[18]However rather than a further refining of this relationship, instead Eisenman materialises the expressions of the inherent geometries through axonometric sketches which turn the competing axes of the four and nine square grid into walls or voids cutting through the building.[19] In House VI Eisenman attempts to move away from the idea of function as the driving narrative of design, and along with this the overarching human scale design considerations which restrict architecture. This moves Eisenman towards an autonomous architecture, a conceptual matrix[20] that fragments the relationship between concept and percept. House VI seeks to place the viewer not at the end point of design but instead engaged actively in continual intrepretation and reinterpretation of process. This engagement with the viewer enables a reanimation of the process, a conversation between the viewer and the building that undermines the physicality of House VI as an object instead making it an active part of its surroundings. The concept at odds with the viewers historical perception of a general solidity normally associated with building.[21] Eisenman attempted to introduce an architectural system free of external reference, autonomous, not restricted by function and the classical notion of architecture as referential to the human body. Eisenman saw traditional architectures primary concerns being semantic through the linking of physical indicators to the external meaning, form and function. He viewed the possiblities of a semantic architecture as having been exhausted by both modernist and classical architecture. To unlock new variations in architecture the syntactic dimension needed to played with. Semantic architecture sought solutions to problems and was dependent on preconceived external requirements.[22]Through his exploration of linguistic theory the semantic became absorbed by the syntactic. It was Eisenman interest in Noam Chomsky as mentioned earlier that gave him the knowledge base to theorise a generation of form previously undiscovered by both classicist and modernist architecture. Form in its syntactic nature led to an antifunctionalism that enclosed any meaning generated by the form back within itself, creating an interplay of oppositions and empty positions.[23] House VI can almost be seen as design itself, with the rules the of transformational process inscribed within the final object. What these explorations into syntax sought to achieve was a design not limited by cultural preconceptions of function. These preconceptions Eisenman theorised were limiting the developmental possibilities of architecture. How could a design be achieved without being slave to the aesthetic experiences of the architect? Removing ego would allow for an exploration into multiple manipulations never previously conceived. Eisenmans work is driven by the continual process of thinking and rethinking both philosophy and architecture. It is an attempt to broaden the critical search for inspiration away from the architectural precedent by incorporating other fields of inquiry into the discussion. This reactivation of architectural dislocation moves it away from the complacent relationship of tradition, extending the possible search parameters of occupiable form.[24] The architectural development of Eisenman as an architect can be seen a continued battle against complacency in the profession. Eisenman sees House VI as still having the ability to provide shelter, the main driving function of the house. However this need is not pushed to the point of romanticism and nostalgia. The living room does not require the need to have a beautiful view, columns in the dining area do not hinder any activity in that area nor do they aid functionally or decoratively the area. The design of House VI is not driven by the need to accommodate every whim of its occupants, it is driven by the syntactic rules set out at the project start.[25] Critics of Eisenmans work suggest that his writings describing his theories do not describe his design process in a concise manner, that they deliberately ambiguous in order to allow Eisenman to close a critical examination. It is suggested that Eisenman uses jargon and rhetoric as a way to control the critical debate, to conduct it on his own terms. Eisenman can be seen as distancing himself from his own work, through the claims of an autonomous design process, the object is separated from creator.[26] Mark David Major and Nicholas Sarris criticise Eisenmans theoretical writings and the objects they refer to by suggesting that the theories arent quite of the analytical quality that Eisenman would have us believe, and the objects express more traditional notion than Eisenman would like. This is their cloak and dagger theory of Eisenman and his architecture. They describe Eisenman of using theories that cannot be objectively used to discuss other architecture, perpetuating a myth of Eisenman as architectural genius. Major and Sarris go on to describe Eisenmans writings of House VI as being closer to what is the architectural ideal rather than pursuing an analytical discourse. They suggest that Eisenman is doing both architecture and himself an injustice because rather than seeking to expose the application of the elegant and simple rules of composition used in the design of House VI he instead obscures them with rhetoric. Finally they put forward that the rules that Eisenman has laid out for himself do not strictly limit the architectural possibilities open to him and that aesthetic and tradition considerations could still subconsciously influence the design.[27] House VI acts as a commentary on architectural form, the principles of composition and the processes involved. Eisenman uses House VI to highlight the historical failures of architectural composition by highlighting drawings hold over the profession, but in doing this he limits the scope of his critique to traditional drawing based architecture.[28]The problem with drawing being in its ability to describe or show process. A finished architectural drawing becomes an object rather than an act of design. What Eisenman was attempting to achieve with House VI was the display of the design process, however paradoxically by displaying the process he in turn made it an image. The images can be reanimated through writing but the process itself is doomed to ambiguity. Eisenman used House VI to push at the boundaries between process driven design and drawing, but was ultimately limited at this time due to drawing being his primary medium of communication.[29]Eisenman saw the reliance on drawing as stumbling block in his search to free architecture from its emphasis on form and function. What he achieved with House VI however was for the first time to bring the industries reliance on drawing into question. House VI with its grids used a traditional method of architectural practice common since the Renaissance, but he managed to turn that process in upon itself revealing a infinite possibilities in turn made form utterly meaningless. The shifting priorities of design were brought forward with House VI and in doing so Eisenman shifted the future of architectural practice. Eisenman through his study and introduction of semiotics sought to not only break free from the not only the cultural practices of his profession but also its limiting historical traditions. Drawings role in the design process reached a visibility not seen before in architecture. House VI helped to define the limitations of drawing on the design process, by using an approach such as semiotics and applying it to the design process, drawing was held up in the spotlight. This led to the questioning of the role of drawing and attempts to seek other modes of representation. What Eisenman achieved with House VI was to pave the way for computational design, this was by no means the original intent with the idea of using computers not even thought of at this stage.[30] But in opening the architectural discipline up through the science of semiotics and the syntactic approach of House VI he enabled and eased of that future possibility to take place. Eisenmans buildings encourage exploration in architecture through the non-traditional means not as the only course of action but instead as an important alternative. [1] (Mallgrave and Goodman 2011) [2] (Crow 2010)p7 [3] (Mitrovic 2011)p148 [4] (Crow 2010)p15 [5] (Crow 2010)p30 [6] (Crow 2010)p41 [7] (Hattenhauer 1984)p72 [8] (Crow 2010)p54 [9] (Davies 2011)p24 [10] (Patin 1993)p88 [11] (Patin 1993)p91 [12] (Patin 1993)p88 [13] (Chapman, Ostwald and Tucker 2004)p389 [14] (Luce 2010) [15] (Patin 1993) [16] (Luscombe 2014)p560 [17] (Luscombe 2014) [18] (Luce 2010)p127 [19] (Luce 2010)p129 [20] (Luscombe 2014) [21] (Luce 2010)p132 [22] (Patin 1993)p89 [23] (Patin 1993)p91 [24] (Benjamin 1989)p50 [25] (Benjamin 1989)p51 [26] (Major and Sarris 1999)p20.2 [27] (Major and Sarris 1999)p20.4 [28] (Luce 2010)p132 [29] (Luce 2010)p132 [30] (Luce 2010)p134 Bibliography Benjamin, Andrew. â€Å"Eisenman and the Housing Tradition.†Oxford Art Journal Vol.12, 1989: 47-54. Chapman, Michael, Michael J Ostwald, and Chris Tucker. â€Å"Semiotics, interpretation and political resistance.†Contexts of Architecture. Launceston: ANZAScA, 2004. 384-390. Crow, David. Visible Signs: An Introduction to Semiotics in the Visual Arts. Lausanne: AVA Publishing, 2010. Davies, Colin. Thinking About Architecture. London: Laurence King Publishing, 2011. Hattenhauer, Darryl. â€Å"The Rhetoric of Architecture: A Semiotic Approach.†Communication Quarterly, 1984: 71-77. Luce, Kristina. â€Å"The Collision of Process and Form.†Getty Research Journal No.2, 2010: 125-137. Luscombe, Desley. â€Å"Architectural Concepts in Peter Eisenmans Axonometric Drawings of House VI.†The Journal Of Architecture, 2014: 560-611. Major, Mark D, and Nicholas Sarris. â€Å"Cloak and Dagger Theory.†Space Syntax Second International Symposium. Brasilia: Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, 1999. 20.1-20.14. Mallgrave, Harry F, and David Goodman. An Introduction to Architectural Theory 1968 to the Present. Chicester: John Wiley and Sons, 2011. Mitrovic, Branko. Philosophy for Architects. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2011. Patin, Thomas. â€Å"From Deep Structure to an Architecture in Suspense: Peter Eisenman, Structuralism, and Deconstruction.†Journal of Architectural Education (Taylor Francis, Ltd) 47, no. 2 (November 1993): 88. Sargazi, Mohammad Ali. â€Å"Explaining the Meaning of the Symbols in Architectural Semiotics and Discovery.†Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 1, 2013: 129-134.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
The Need for Performance Appraisal in the Uae Transport and Travel Industry
Student Name: Instructor’s Name: Title: PROPOSAL: The Need for Performance Appraisal in the UAE Transport and Travel Industry Course: Institution: Table of Contents An evaluation of performance appraisal in UAE travel department3 Introduction3 Statement of the problem3 Research Objectives and Aims3 Background and Significance4 Significance of the Study4 LITERATURE REVIEW5 How has the UAE transport industry failed in embrace performance appraisal? 5 Emirisation policy (Nationalism)5 Employee wage rates and prohibition of workers tribunal6 National Culture and traditions7Organization Culture8 Research methods and design9 Research design9 Research deliverables/potential values/expected outcomes10 Limitations of the research10 Ethical Implications10 Bibliography12 The need for performance appraisal in the UAE transport and travel industry An evaluation of performance appraisal in UAE travel department Introduction Human resource management is the main determinant of employee perfo rmance in any organization (Wright et. al 2003). For effective management of employees, performance appraisal and management is a critical aspect in the human resource department.With the increasing competition, the advancement of technology and the current global economic decline, government departments and organizations are changing their employee practices to save resources and at the same time increase productivity (Armstrong 2009). They are working towards improving employee productivity. Resources in organizations are currently moving from capital and asset holding to skills employees possess, their brand and intellectual capability. Thus, the research will aim at critically examining how performance appraisal will improve employee productivity and reduce disputes in the UAE transport travel industry.Statement of the problem Increased poor performance and low employee productivity in the government sectors is affecting the general economy of the United Arab Emirates government s. Increased employee within the transport industry calls for a critical evaluation and implementation of performance appraisal. Research Objectives and Aims The research will basically base on ways of improving UAE employees’ productivity through performance appraisal. It restricts its scope to government sector and issues affecting employees within their departments and in the general organization.The research will also involve the government sector in the UAE. Specific Objectives ? To determine what is causing reduced productivity among employees ? To identify areas of weakness within the government organization ? To identify specific appraisal measures that the organizations are lacking ? To suggest appropriate measures of realizing improved performance Background and Significance The United Arab Emirates is a federal association comprising of seven different countries in the Southeast of the Arabian Pensula. The Emirates has conserved customs, laws and business practices governed by the Islamic beliefs.It is known for well developed infrastructure and its transport and travel industry that extends to international levels and serves a wide range of nationals. This is because it adopts technologies of other foreign states and is improves its transport industry by expanding it internationally (Alrawi & Sabry, 2009. However, currently, employee disputes and strikes experienced in most of the emirate countries is rampant. This is common in the biggest and most famous Emirates such a Dubai and Sharjah. Significance of the StudyThe study will look at employee productivity as a factor of performance appraisal in the UAE government departments with emphasis on the travel and transport industry of the UAE. The study will have significance both theoretically and practically. It improves the understanding of how performance appraisal of employees will increase their productivity and improve relations among employees and with their seniors in the UAE. It will a lso enable the government department to know which strategies they should put in place in order to attain employee job satisfaction, commitment and increased retention rates.The problem of employee productivity is an area of limited research. The study will develop a theoretical framework for employee performance appraisal and productivity in relation to UAE policies. LITERATURE REVIEW Employee performance and levels of productivity determines profits of any firm. According to Heathfield (2008), organizations are aiming at seeking advantages, and for this reason she says, evaluation of workers performance is becoming the immediate area of target. She says that the management of employee performance is of advantage for both the employee and the employer.She further states that, however the approach to the concept of performance appraisal may differ from one organization to another, the concept and its meaning still focuses on human capital as the most important asset in the organizat ion. How the UAE transport industry has failed in embrace performance appraisal Emirisation policy (Nationalism) Emirisation policy aims at developing more workforce among the nationals of UAE through education systems, training and career development so as to reduce the number of non-nationals in the countries and encourage employment of the nationals (Rees Et. l, 2007). This in turn may affect performance of the non-national employees and may lead to unfair judgment of employee performance by the managers. Many organizations are embracing the policies, and in turn changing the managerial approaches of the firms (Mansour, 2008). Human resource practices such as recruiting procedures (Randeree, 2009) and employment strategies are affected as a result of the emirisation policy. For example the banking sector where employment of the nationals increased to 30% from 28% in the year 2005. Employee wage rates and prohibition of workers tribunalLow wage rates and poor working conditions as a result of prohibit trade unions in the UAE, is a matter of concern and making headlines (Francis, 2008 ). This however involves discrimination of non-national workers from india, Plilistienes and Pakistan. The result of ignoring the human resopurse factor leads to disputes, strikes low employee production and damages the image of the organization. She states that the government intervenes to have more control on the employees; however, arresting workers who are fighting for their rights is uncouth.Performance appraisal aims at looking into the affairs of workers which also involves changing policies as the economy also improves. Francis (2008) further states that employee strike also resulted from policies established in the past two decades that organizations were still using in determining the rates of payment entitled to workers. He says that in Dubai, striking was illegal and therefore, for workers to engage in it, having in mind the consequences, it means that they are respo nding to the industrial working conditions that would result to utter poverty.The government in this case denies the workers certain rights and worsens it by detaining the demonstrators when they have no tribunals that they could rather have gone to and negotiated with the government. Dubai is known for its advanced air services, transport and tourism. However, labour issues as a result of employee wage rates are also a rising issue of concern. Shaibany (2011) writes an article on employee strike as a result of less pay. In is report he says that two hundred employees of Oman air went on strike following their demand for increase in pay. This is just after another incident in the North of jobs and wages.He say says that however, the flight staff did not strike, that the ground staff. Although this had no effect on flights for that day, the issue of employee performance is still an issue of concern. The issue of remuneration is also affected by gender inequality. In some cases in the UAE, female employees have been legally considered to earn less income than their male counterparts irrespective of their abilities and commitment (Tanmia, 2005). This has a direct effect to their performance. National Culture and traditions Arab traditions do not for provide elections in the political system of the UAE.The culture is based on previous generations, National and regional culture, gender and social organizational cultures that in turn have an effect on work values (Abubakr, 2006). Regional influence is more diverse than the rest. Religion, language and historical factors affect organization retention and employee satisfactions which are among the goals that performance appraisal aim at. Pawan et al. (2006) argue that the economic and political importance in the middle East are the areas of interests and therefore, this over shadows the development of human resource management literature.This, he says, affects performance in the business sectors which largely contribu te to the general economy. That poor economic growth as a result of assuming the human resource capital of the organization is affecting the standard of living of people in the region. Goel (2008) explains how a performance appraisal interview puts the employee in a better position to communicate their views and opinions, to identify their weaknesses and knows areas which require improvement and adjustments. He states that this improves communication within the organization and motivates workers to improve themselves.Goel notes that different organizations conduct the appraisal exercise at different times, others yearly or twice a year. However, he suggests that unscheduled and informal exercises are better and more useful. The United Arab Emirates is experiencing a commendable growth in the economic sector and is embracing technology from foreigners at a high rate. According to (OECD 2010), the government aims at capacity building. The government is now moving form the traditional system of personnel management that has less professionalism and is routine oriented to a human resource management system which focuses on performance.OECD states that human resource management focuses more on employees as recourse to the organization and not a tool. This therefore means that, their performance is a priority to the organization as well as their well being, which the organization ensures by providing them with favorable working conditions while balancing its advantage. Organization Culture Recognition is one of the factors that ensures employee satisfaction and enables them to stay in a given job for a longer period (Buckingham & Coffman, 1999).Many organizations in the United Arab Emirates transport industry, especially in Dubai and Sharjah, perceive manager as the best and expect employees to simply follow instructions and work. Practices within organizations in relation to economic policies and strategies are also an issue. Beer and Ruh in Vroom (1990) managing p eople state the use of Management by Objective (MBO) system as an important in instilling accountability on the part of workers other than just improving their personal qualities.Beer and Ruh further explain that many managers and top executives dislike judging their subordinates on how they work as a way of ensuring that everyone is working towards the goals of the organization. However, he says, this is the most Important role of the managers within the organization to ensure that all efforts are directed towards achieving a common goal of the organization. Some managers fear giving negative results o employee analyses when they need to so as to enable the employee improve on the areas of weaknesses. Likely, some are ignorant of employee reactions and interpersonal situations as they focus on results alone.Such managers, he says, do not care about the employee and at times will communicate the results in a manner to frustrate them, which is not ethical. Research methods and design The research will use secondary data from available literature that is books and internet sources. The research will also use survey methods in collection of data by use of survey questionnaires to employees and employers at different job posts. Semi-structured interviews will also be involved. The research will include qualitative technique to gather analysis and concepts and quantitative technique to gather numerical data (Punch 2005) Research designThe purpose of the research is to investigate the need for performance appraisal in the transport and travel industry in Dubai. The study will based on employees and employers responses regarding the objective of the need for performance appraisal in the industry. The researcher will adopt an exploratory study design. An explanatory approach will also be used in explaining the relationship between variables. Research deliverables/potential values/expected outcomes The research will provide managerial information for managing human res ource that will enable organizations in the transport industry to increase employee productivity.This is of value to both employers and the workers. The research expects that the outcome will give relevant areas of weakness that management require applying employee performance appraisal and effectiveness of this procedure to the general organization. Limitations of the research Dubai is an Arab speaking country which only embraced English for business and commerce purposes. The researcher therefore is likely to face the problem of language barrier among the nationals. Not all nationals are used to English and if so, not fluent English. This will be a limiting factor in the case of interviews.Being a Muslim country, religious barriers are likely. Cultures like restricted closeness with respondents of the opposite sex and way of dressing as restricted by the respondents’ religion might be a limitation during the research. Collection of information from respondents of a differen t gender will pose a challenge to the researcher. Nationality and race of the researcher might be a possible limitation in the research. Respondents may fear to respond to questions or get close to the researcher because of racial barrier and different nationality. Organization policy in the foreign country will limit research and collection of information.Organization management might refuse to cooperate by restricting employees from participating in the data collection. Ethical Implications The research will observe quality in information and findings, encouraging no faulty or defrauding information from the participants of the research. It will also ensure safety of the participants is taken into consideration with equal assurance to them of confidentiality and non disclosure of their information details. The researcher will present confidential forms to this effect which he will sign and the respondent will sign too.Quality of information will be ensured by collecting informatio n from direct victims of performance appraisal (employees). Bibliography Abubakr, M. (2006). Managing human resource in the Middle East: Human resource management in the United Arab Emirates. London: Taylor & Francis Ltd. Alrawi, K. , & Sabry, K. (2009). E-commerce evolution: A Gulf region review. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 4(5), 509 – 526 Armstrong, M. (2009). Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practices (11th ed. ). London: Kogan Page Limited. Buckingham, M. , ; Coffman, C. (1999).First, break all the rules: What the world’s greatest managers do differently. New York: Simon ; Shuster. Francis. V, (2008). Dubai Labor Fighting Back Vs. Indentured Globalization. Retrieved on November 5, 2012 from GOEL, D. (2008). Performance appraisal and compensation management. New Dehli, Prentice-Hall of India. Heathfield, S. M, (2008). Why organizations employ performance evaluation. Retrieved on November 5, 2012 from Organisation for Econo mic Co-Operation and Development. (2010). Progress in public management in the Middle East and North Africa: case studies on policy reform. Paris, OECD Pawan S. B, ;Mellahi,K. (2006).Managing Human Resources in the Middle East. Routledge Punch, F. (2005). Introduction to social research: Quantitative and qualitative approaches. London: Saga Publications Randeree, K. (2009). Strategy, policy and practice in the nationalisation of human capital: Project Emiratisation. Research ; Practice in Human Resource Management 17(1), 71-79. Rees, C. , Mamman, A. , ; Bin Braik, A. (2007). Emiratization asa strategic HRM change initiative: Case study evidence from a UAE petroleum company. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(1), 33-53. Shaibany, S. (2011). Oman Air employees strike for higher wages.Tanmia, 2004. Emiratisation in the Banking Sector: Factors Influencing Success and Failure: The National Human Resource Development and Employment Authority: Centre for Labour Market R esearch and Information. Human Resource development and employment Authority. Dubai: United Arab. Emirates Vroom, V. H (1990). Manage people, not personnel: motivation and performance appraisal. Boston, MA, HBS Press. Wright, P. , ; Kehoe, R. (2008). Human resource practices and organizational commitment: A deeper examination. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 46(1), 6-20. Appendices Appendix 1: Timeline and work plan Task |Duration | |Review of literature |1day | |Investigations of surveys done |1day | |Preparation of questionnaires |1day | |Actual survey |2weeks | |Data analysis |4days | |Report writing and compilation |1 week | Appendix 2: Budget Expected task |Expected cost ($) | |Information from the library |170 | |Testing of questionnaires |150 | |Actual survey |300 | |Miscellaneous costs |150 | |Total |770 |
Friday, January 10, 2020
Current Trend In Sustainable Manufacturing System Environmental Sciences Essay
Material and energy resources direction includes the proper choice, installing and managerial of it in fabricating will give impact on the production procedure, energy ingestion and even cut down the pollution. Manufacturer nonsubjective towards sustainable fabrication is maximise the production while minimise the use of stuff and energy resources because the monetary value of the stuff and energy had increased due to consuming of stuffs and non-renewable resources ( Leahu S. , 2012 ) . The demand for merchandise that non environmental friendly should besides be minimize. Stakeholders plays of import function as going external forces for the manufacturer or maker towards bring forthing or utilizing merchandise or stuff which require less energy to bring forth ( Leahu S. , 2012 ) . Factors contribute the consciousness of stakeholders to pull off the fabrication efficiency is the pollution particularly, the planetary heating and besides the addition monetary value of the resources ( Bu nse K. , Sachs J. , and Vodicka M. , 2010 ; Ramani K. et Al, 2010 ) . Resources are defined as natural stuffs, energy resources and all operating supplies. Three methods to better the decrease of stuff and energy resources is discussed which are the resource efficiency direction, merchandise design and the value concatenation optimisation. Ida – Along – Atirah – Energy is a cardinal factor in economic development and in supplying critical services that improve quality of life where required for run intoing all of the basic demands such as nutrient and wellness, agribusiness, instruction, information, and other substructure services ( Kamaruzzaman et. Al, 2011 ) . Therefore, there have possible menaces of energy deficits, planetary heating, and clime alterations pose to society explicate why energy policies worldwide progressively concentrate on developing renewable energy ( Shun-Chung and Li-Hsing, 2011 ) . Besides, utilizing the renewable energy resources can cut down the struggles among states sing energy militias, cut down the pollution and cut down energy related to illness and deceases ( Richa et al. , 2010 ) . There have assorted types of energy resources such as biomass energy, biodiesel energy, hydropower, solar energy, weave energy and etc. These energy resources are considered as renewable and hence, sustainable over comparatively long term. Each of the renewable energy resources is briefly explain in the undermentioned subdivision.INTEGRATED PRODUCT-PROCESS-MACHINE FabricationXxxxREDUCE THE USE OF MATERIAL AND ENERGY RESOURCESManufacturers are responsible on the sum of resources consumed for production of merchandise. The duty non merely on the maker, the authorities besides play of import function by utilizing the economic instruments. The policy wedges under economic instruments is controlled by the authoritiess. Economic instruments operate by bear downing monetary value for the usage of environmental resources likewise to environmental revenue enhancement. This activity improves is decrease of resource usage to merchandise end product promote consumer to exchange from resource inducement merchandises to less resource inducements merchandises. However, maker played more of import function by bettering the resource efficiency is one method to cut down the resource ingestion.Resource Efficiency Manufacturin gEfficiency in fabrication is measured via the sum of energy ingestion ; the benefits and cost nest eggs ( Bunse K. , Sachs J. , and Vodicka M. , 2010 ) . Resources efficiency is the decrease of natural stuffs, energy and all operating supplies because these factors are interrelated and strongly interlinked. Manufacturing procedure and efficiency, merchandise design and value concatenation optimisation are three standards that give impact on fabrication efficiency.Manufacturing Process and EfficiencyThe efficiency can be improved in many countries in organisation because each section plays of import functions and affected the procedure in organisation. Thin fabrication is one construct that can better efficiency status where the organisation organizes every individual subdivision in the production by extinguishing the waste in order to bring forth merchandise good. The wastes are from human, infinite, tools or equipment, engineering, and technology clip in developing new merchandise s ( Deros et al, 2011 ) . Two big leagues ‘ countries are focus to better the resource efficiency which is the public-service corporation optimisation and value technology and stuffs be aftering methodological analysis ( Sheng T. L. , Shiuh T. J. , and Ling L.C, n.d. ) . Under public-service corporation optimisation, command the H2O evaporated and H2O discharge in chilling tower is one manner of energy and waste optimisation. Upgrading the warming, air outing and chilling systems can well take down the public-service corporation cost such as planetary energy direction multi-variable nonlinear system theoretical account ( Lv H. , Duan P. , Yao Q. , Li H. , and Yang X. , 2012 ) . Electrical system efficiency direction needs to be considered to obtain planetary electrical energy ingestion decrease. The first phase design of electric motors must dwell of a few standards which achieve the criterion and besides in good public presentation in footings of environmental sustainability. The standards must be standard to forestall inefficiency during production. Example, the EROD ( Energy decrease oriented design ) platform, which composed of several interrelated systems and tools. The EROD platform can pull off different functionalities in the procedure design which eventually to the full use the electric motors and aid cut down the energy use ( Favi C. , Germani M. , Marconi M. , and Mengoni M. , 2012 ) . Third on the H2O preservation by put ining new water-reduction equipment such as installed the closed-loop systems that enable H2O to be recycled ( Jasinowski J. J. , n.d. ; Sheng T. L. , Shiuh T. J. , and Ling L.C, n.d. ) . The value technology and stuff planning methodological analysis besides aid in bettering the fabrication efficiency. Materials System Applications and Products ( MSAP ) works by place the spreads between the stuff planning algorithm and existent stuff use. Then, model the relationship of machine use and waste coevals. This theoretical accoun t will demo the decrease of waste coevals and betterment in methodological analysis from the first planning. The theoretical account able to propose the optimum processing and transporting paths and at the same clip meets the criterion of sustainable design ( Lv H. , Duan P. , Yao Q. , Li H. , and Yang X. , 2012 ) .Merchandise DesignSustainability and merchandise design correlated as the early design determination give impact on the sustainability. Early design determination besides consequence the full merchandise ‘s life rhythm including the supply concatenation ( transit and logistic ) . Design for environment and Eco-design tools are discussed as parts of invention in the whole value concatenation merchandise ( Ramani K. et Al, 2010 ) . Design for environment. Example of design and sustainability is design for environment ( DFE ) and life rhythm appraisal ( LCA ) . Design for environment considered the consequence of the design procedure processs towards environment and th e design constituent is design towards sustainability ( Ramani K. et Al, 2010 ; Rosen M.A. and Kishawy H.A. , 2012 ) . The procedure must keep the merchandise quality, the monetary value offer and the public presentation of the procedure and besides the merchandise. Design applied scientist is hired to plan a merchandise and procedure which eco-design. Eco-design is an attack of planing a merchandise or procedure with particular consideration on the consequence to the environment during the full life rhythm. Therefore, we need eco-design tools to guarantee that our design run into the specification that the procedure is environmental friendly or can cut down the pollution. One of the eco-design tools called life rhythm appraisal ( LCA ) . LCA is used to analyse the all stages of merchandise life to see the environmental public presentation of procedures and systems. LCA consist of for stairss get downing with the end and range definition, analysis of the stock list appraisal on the impact and informations reading. LCA measured the energy and resources ingestion. ISO 14040:2006 explained about the LCA ; the rules and the model. Figure Thirty shows the stairss for placing environmental impact in LCA. Figure Thirty: Measure for Identifying Environmental Impact ( Ramani K. et Al, 2010 )Value Chain OptimizationValue concatenation procedure is the complicated path in fabrication or organisation for resource efficiency. However, good planned concatenation direction will honor a batch to the environment and economic nest eggs. The value concatenation optimisation is examined the primary energy needed of the pre-production resources, the nursery gas emanation as CO2 equivalent, the direction of the material resources and besides all the energetic resources. This encourage the overall procedure efficiency and sustainability. The model of value-based public presentation covered the investing, operation and fiscal.Better THE ENERGY-EFFICIENCY BY ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMGlobal heating, lifting energy monetary values, and clients ‘ increasing ecological consciousness have pushed energy efficient fabrication to the top of the docket among authoritiess and fabrication companies. Governme nts and companies are both endeavoring to place the most effectual steps to increase energy efficiency in fabrication procedures. Katharina et Al. ( 2010 ) stated that, the fabrication industry, with its 31 % of primary energy usage and 36 % of C dioxide ( CO2 ) emanations, is one of the chief consumers of energy every bit good as one of the largest emitters of CO2.The European Commission ( EC ) estimates that an energy salvaging possible for the fabrication sector of 25 % could be realized by steps such as implementing energy efficient motors, fans and lightings ( EC, 2006b ) . Katharina et Al. ( 2010 ) once more explained that from the fabricating companies ‘ point of position, there are three of import drivers to present energy efficiency betterments. The first manner is by raising the energy monetary values. Rising monetary value for oil and gas monetary values every bit good as other fossil fuels like coal due to scarceness of the specific resources leads to the minimisation of energy ingestion and more of import for fabricating companies. ) . Resource monetary values can be expected to lift continuously in coming old ages ( Berger, 2009 ) due to lifting energy monetary values and the associated rise production costs for steel, chemicals, etc. , doing an addition in other buying costs every bit good. Other than that, energy efficiency betterment can be introduced by new environmental ordinances with their associated costs for CO2 emanations. As the fabrication sector is responsible for about one tierce of planetary CO2 emanations, different policy enterprises and market-oriented ordinances like revenue enhancements, subsidies, tradable emanation licenses, and green certifications were introduced in several states. Companies that improve their energy efficiency and accordingly their C footmark can better their place to face challenges and costs ensuing from current and future CO2 ordinances. Apart from that, altering buying behaviour among the clients with respect to ‘green ‘ and energy efficient merchandises and services besides can be an alternate in presenting the energy efficiency betterment. Companies and end users regard energy efficiency in the usage stage of a merchandise as an of import standard for their buying determinations. Though consumers might non yet pay attending to energy efficiency in the production stage, energy efficient fabrication can be a major factor to cut down the entire environmental impact of a merchandise. As energy efficient fabrication can hold a important impact on the environment al public presentation of a merchandise, it can go a important driver for fight. The above mentioned drivers make energy efficiency an of import pillar lending to all three facets ( ternary underside line ) that are considered in sustainable fabrication models ( see Fig. # ) . Examples in the literature and in the universe of pattern show that although the fabrication sector has made uninterrupted betterment in energy efficiency, economically good energy efficiency potency is non yet exploited. Few documents identified the grounds why the executions of energy efficiency betterment steps are really low among the companies and they are: Decisions based on payback periods alternatively of involvement rate computations Low capital, a low precedence given to energy efficiency by the direction deficiency of information or â€Å" difficult-to-measure constituents †of energy investings ( such as dealing or monitoring costs ) Fig. # . Contribution of energy efficiency to the three chief facets of sustainable fabrication ( ) . Several surveies have besides identified a low position of energy direction as a barrier to energy efficiency. Energy direction can be good for industrial companies for economic, environmental or social grounds. The criterions ISO 50001 and EN 16001 specify some of import demands for direction systems such as the scene of marks and aims and the measuring of energy ingestion. The Implementation of an energy direction can be an alternate to cut down energy ingestion and the related CO2 emanations. Within the model of energy direction the integrating of energy efficiency into production direction is one of import lever to heighten production systems towards energy efficiency as it may be the footing for successfully implementing energy efficiency betterment steps. The term ‘management ‘ can be defined as â€Å" the maps of planning, forming, and commanding the transmutation procedure and its public-service corporation in supplying a good or service to clients †. Some research workers define ‘energy direction ‘ as using â€Å" to resources every bit good as to the supply, transition and use of energy. Basically it involves monitoring, mensurating, entering, analysing, critically analyzing, commanding and airting energy and stuff flows through systems so that least power is expended to accomplish worthwhile purposes †. In Katharina et Al. ( 2010 ) paper, they defined ‘energy direction in production ‘ as including control, monitoring, and betterment activities for energy efficiency. Energy efficiency public presentation has to be considered at the same time with other of import public presentation countries of industrial companies, such as cost, flexibleness, bringing clip, and quality. The first measure for measuring and implementing betterment steps is mensurating and commanding the energy efficiency in production procedures. The determinations can be made with relevant information on impacts of energy public presentation ensuing from production planning and concern determinations, by set uping production information systems towards energy efficiency. The mensurating system can be done by utilizing Key Performance Indicators ( KPI ) . The development and application of energy efficiency indexs depend on the intent for which they will be applied. Other than that, is to utilize the benchmarking system to mensurate the energy efficiency during the production procedure. However, benchmarking for energy efficiency indexs may be implemented for specific industry sectors and on state degrees, but for works and procedure degree merely few indexs for benchmarking exist. Energy efficiency monitoring, benchmarks, and audits are of import for energy direction, as they enable determination shapers to place betterment chances and to maintain path of the effects of their determinations on energy usage. Monitoring and analysis of the energy ingestion of machines and support and fabrication procedures is a measure towards increasing energy efficiency. Insufficient monitoring may ensue in companies non being cognizant of their possible for profitable energy investings. Furthermore, direction system criterions taking at increasing the environmental public presentation and the energy efficiency of a company by bettering the organisation processes exist. This standardisation increases the transparence of companies ‘ procedures and stakeholders can more easy measure the committedness of a company for bettering its environmental public presentation. Apart from that, this criterion besides provides a model for energy-saving activities and counsel for practical actions for energy director can be found.REUSING AND RECOVERING ENERGY IMPLEMENTED IN PRODUCTION SYSTEMThirtyExploitation RENEWABLE RESOURCESBiomass EnergyBiomass energy refers to the energy of biological system such as wood and waste that shops sunlight in the signifier of chemical energy ( Sunday, 2012 ) . The chief usage of this biomass energy in developing states including Malaysia is every bit firewood for cookery and warming. Because of Malaysia is a tropical state that has first-class conditions so that it can guarantee the good in turning status of high biomass energy resources. Therefore, in Malaysia, the Nation Energy Policy has established the importance of Renewable Energy beginnings and highlighted the focal point on the renewable and environmental preservation. Nowadays, states more interested in the turning in biomass energy that will lend to the decrease of poorness in developing states, increase the sustainable energy supply and cut down the emanation of C dioxide. ( Ying et al. , 2011 ) Biomass is one of the oldest and simplest manner to utilizing the energy by burning procedure to bring forth the electricity and heat ( Amine, 2011 ) . Therefore, biomass is considered to be one of the chief renewable energy resources of the hereafter due to its big potency for economic viability and assorted societal and environmental benefits.Solar EnergySolar energy is the most promising of the renewable energy beginnings in position of its evident illimitable potenc y. The Sun radiates its energy at the rate of about 3.8 A-1023 kilowatts per second. Most of this energy is transmitted radially as electromagnetic radiation which comes to about 1.5kW/m2 at the boundary of the ambiance. After tracking the ambiance, a square meter of the Earth ‘s surface can have every bit much as 1 kilowatt of solar power, averaging to about 0.5 over all hours of daytime ( Sunday, 2012 ) . In malice of high potency, solar energy engineerings are non now widely used, except for flat-plate solar aggregators for domestic hot H2O production in the coastal parts. ( Kamil, 2002 ) . In Malaysia, the most solar power are used for domestic degree merely such as hot H2O system, H2O pumping and drying of agricultural green goods ( Tick et al. , 2010 ) .Wind energyWind power is the transition of air current energy into more utile signifiers, normally electricity utilizing air current turbines. Harmonizing to Betz ‘s jurisprudence, wind turbine can take advantage of up to 60 % of the power of the air current. Nevertheless, in pattern, their efficiency is about 40 % for rather high air current velocities. The remainder of the energy denseness of the air current non gettable is exergy loss. This exergy loss appears chiefly as heat ( Arif, 2008 ) .The use of this energy is still in the early phase because of the deficiency of fiscal option. However, in Malaysia, air current energy transition is a serious consideration that the potency of this energy is depends on the handiness of air current resource that varies with location. Therefore to develop the undertaking of air current energy, the natural air current at the site shall understand clearly ( Tick et al. , 2010 ) . The air current sector showed impressive growing rates in the twelvemonth 2009 possibly due to an addition in consciousness of the importance of air current energy and its economic, societal and environmental benefits ( Kamaruzzaman et al. , 2011 ) .Hydro powerHydropower is the lo ne renewable energy engineering that is commercially feasible on a big graduated table in Malaysia. Furthermore, hydropower dikes can and hold made of import and important parts to human development which is a renewable energy beginning and produces negligible sums of nursery gases. In long term, it shops big sums of electricity at low cost and it can be adjusted to run into consumer demand. Furthermore, hydro dikes are multipurpose and are built chiefly for social-economic development like irrigation, H2O supply, inundation control, electric power and betterment of pilotage ( Ong et al. , 2011 ) . Hydroelectricity contributes about 2.8 % ( 2000 MW ) of Malaysia ‘s entire electricity demands and supplying 6 % of universe energy supply. Tenaga Nasional Berhad operates three hydroelectric strategies in Peninsular which are Sungai Perak, Terengganu and Cameron Highland with an installed generating capacity of 1911 MW ( Tick et al. , 2010 ) . Presently, the biggest hydropower unde rtaking in Malaysia and largest dike in South-east is the on-going Bakun hydropower undertaking holding a capacity of 2400 MW, located at Sarawak and it is emission free which has no impact on planetary heating. This Bakun hydropower will function the electricity to the peninsular of Malaysia through the undersea cables that will be ready on 2015 for first stage overseas telegrams and 2017 for the 2nd stage ( Shafie et al. 2011 ) .DecisionIba – Ema – Ida – Along – Atirah –Recognitionsthirty
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Personal Statement On Learning Theory - 806 Words
Learning Theory There is nothing like working hard and being rewarded for it, my father would say to me every day before I left for work to my first job. I was a Ticketing Cashier at a popular tourist attraction where hundreds of thousands would attend every year. This was my first opportunity to earn my own pay check, so I valued every dollar and cent. The highlight of my position was having the opportunity to meet new people from all over the world, and earn incentives for the upselling of tickets and exceeding customer standards. Starting out as a new employee I was nervous, but witnessing my fellow coworkers speak to guests and sell the park special offers with ease gave me hope. Often times I found myself observing and asking a million questions to ensure that I was doing my job properly. I wanted to get a raving review from guests and upsell daily park tickets for compensation just like my fellow coworkers did day by day; they, made the job look easy. 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